let's start with the vagina monologues. you decided... you started talking to somebody about menopause. >> right. >> hinojosa: a woman. >> yep. >> hinojosa: and that led you to just start talking to a lot of women about their vaginas... >> yeah. >> hinojosa: ...and then you put it together in a play that had an extraordinary outpouring. it... how many countries has it played in now? >> 130. >> hinojosa: and it's still... where is it... is it... >> oh, it's running... this year on v-day there were 5,000 productions of it. i mean, it's running all over the world. it's been running in paris and mexico city for ten years. >> hinojosa: i know, i was like, "really?" >> i know. >> hinojosa: non-stop. >> yeah. >> hinojosa: so after... after the vagina monologues, you said one of the things that happened was that you had a lot of women coming and talking to you not about feeling empowered about their sexuality; they were actually coming to you and sharing stories of abuse... >> mm-hmm. >> hinojosa: ...of sadness. and so then what did