prychynay at that hour, at the end of the 18th century, of course, they were no longer military, not vaiskoemies are possible it’s easy to understand and say that this is a good fortune, a stronghold. in most cases, the glass-shaped souvenirs were placed on the christmas tree and decorated with the ribs of the flower. the cylindrical sculls are visible only in the memory of the fallen forest and the gloomy tychkovaya. nowadays, the following stenciling of the famous pershachatkovy rashtki is given. the old deckwork, which was atsalela from the syaredzina 18 centuries, the hour of vyvyazennya isnuyuchaga at the time of the day of the calegium. nowadays, both the formwork boards themselves and their adhesion are used. geta dazvalae prasachyts technical methods of sculpting by experienced painters. the private boards were walled up during the construction of the spring arch. at the end of this bag there was a dry, 5 cm long piece of paper. this is because the formwork, the magchy upper layer of the cover, did not roll and circle and created a plastic cover, which was slightly damaged by the dr