. >> taken val yum, hidio code own, marijuana, cocaine, xanax. i think i tried ecstasy once. pretty sure that was it. >> half the time his parents testifying they allowed their young son a lot of freedom, including driving at the age of 13. >> you understood if he was at any time he was under 16, he was never to be driving by himself? >> yes. >> nevertheless, you allowed that behavior to happen, correct? >> yes. >> i just kept asking because i wanted to. eventually they started letting me drive, just to like the corner store by myself. >> before the deadly crash, ethan was required to complete an alcohol awareness course and eight hours of community service within 90 days of a previous incident. >> we didn't do the community >> you understood, did you not, that he was likely to continue the drinking and driving if there weren't consequences? >> i should have known that, yes. i really didn't think that was happen again. >> at one point, ethan's parents branded in the media as the worst parents ever. >> i don't think we're profoundly dysfunctional. >> did you teach ethan that w