pass it down to valadia, please. hendrick: of course, nobody's perfect, and it's impossible to handle every situation perfectly. children are more resilient than we give them credit for being. if our relationship with them is basically warm, steady, and fair, we will all survive occasional mistakes. don't be unduly hesitant about handling difficult situations. if you feel things are slipping out of control, wait a minute, take a breath, tell the child you need time to think, and then return to the action. one of the most valuable skills we can give our children is how to express strong emotions without hurting themselves or others or damaging property. but how can we do that? how can we teach them to talk about feelings instead of impulsively acting them out? right here! no! i don't want to! hendrick: what we want our children to learn is... we can begin by communicating with the child in a nonjudgmental way, showing her we understand how she feels. this kind of understanding requires us to get down to the child's le