another thing, the teachers are walking out, they don't want to teach because of the valance.there's no repercussion when these children fight the teachers.hc9ñ what are we to do? we pray, we beg, and the government is setting us up for failure. >> linda, one of our viewers brought up the issue of common core this morning. what are your thoughtsj/sd on t program? >> caller: the main problem is the fact that no one is paying attention to the children in this modern technology. we're trying to teach -- >> linda, you're going in and out in miami, florida. but i appreciate the call on our line for teachers. in today's paper, common core is not a federal takeover of education, the editorial board writes. states developed the standards and implemented them with local flexibility. the federal government merely encouraged states to adopt them, as they should have. school districts were able to hide their failure to educate poor and minority students and those with learning challenges. sabotaging standards will allow a return to that era of abdication. if you want to read more on that,