to san francisco state and finish my degree it when it first moved up here i would take that 26 valencia bus, which is no longer in service. i would take it for state and go to valencia street where if i wanted a burrito i would go to welcome break. it's still there. were i would go to, if i wanted a cocktail i might go to commies, one of the i couldn't believe the name. as i continued my foray into the city, as i got to know it, i discovered dollars, which was done. i never had a bakery like that i grew up a town of 3000 people and 28 churches. you think they would've had sweet tooth. i would go and get a pastry. if i took the train through i could go to buena vista cafÉ. that's still there. businesses are being lost to our legacy businesses are being lost. if we want to be fresno we can be fresno. by bringing in big chains and multistate companies, but that's not who we are. one of the things i loved about san francisco when i first moved here was, if i wanted to get something i had to go to wine stains. that's no longer here. we have no change. we had macy. that was pretty much it. now, w