the lieutenant did not calm down, went to the hospital to valentina shumakov.ill remember something, but the elderly woman remembered some detail, the sound of the smell , and the elderly woman remembered that when the criminal was running away, he caught on something and it seemed that the detective tore off the button immediately, went to the entrance, where the attack took place for about half an hour, he crawled on his haunches on the steps. he didn’t find it, but an hour later his immediate supervisor called him and gave a dressing down. called who allowed to inspect the scene without permission i just wanted to? what, you have nothing to do? i'll find you a job until you retire. another such trick you will go to my street. let the bear understood? so definitely free. the major only incited the young policeman, he decided to go against the system alone. got a detailed description of the stolen things one of them was, especially conspicuous today. this is not necessary, and even 30 years ago, not a single self-respecting lady wore dresses without a combinat