holding company own next some group to fanfare for friends journalist as well as st pete's governor valentino mikey and technology market may have been three time zones away but they provided a very important cog. wheels. our colleagues in the outset of this project proposed a very original solution a reduction gear manufacturing with a fundamentally new principle of making cog wheels. the solution which considerably reduces the size and mass of the gearing in the end product or service other technical specifications this is extremely important for us because wait and eventually the final cost are crucial when we're talking about the energy supply for the car. so technology tomes case made its innovative addition of the up and coming year will be a project and we've still got quite a while to wait before it finished factory and put it in mass production in the meantime let's head back out to siberia to see what else they're sending our way. among the residents of this special economic zones months old second building is one of the best known tomes tech firms ella cotton under a person who called fo