among them was eleven-year-old valeria of the attack, she, along with her parents and younger sister, were on beach received shrapnel wounds. we were already getting ready to leave, that is, i was packing my things. literally another 5 minutes and we would have left, that is , they ran, the mother with the children, and i kind of stayed further on the beach, and i was absolutely not hurt, yes, but the people who tried to hide, they got hurt, she’s great, she didn’t move away, she didn’t run anywhere, she held her little sister, covered her with herself, that is, she didn’t run to her mother, how did she understand what to do, they helped me, they processed everything, sewed it up, now it doesn’t hurt, no, it was very fast, efficient, the prognosis is very important to everyone, thank you very much for your help, everything is favorable, rehabilitation is needed in any case, since the fragment was located in the muscle and the muscle must recover, begin to function correctly, well, psychological... within the framework pr