valeriano de fanzini. tell me, what do you want? we're looking for the contessa. the contessa? the last contessa de fanzini, she died 20 years ago. she was my sainted d ther. we were referring to your wife. wife, i have no wife. we were told you were married. oh, that wife.e. true, we went through the ceremonies, but she is my wife in the name only. you ought to hear how she lies, how she cheats, how she tell me that her millions will restore the de fanzinis to their rightful glory. and what does she bring on the wedding nighththuh? we have business with the contessa. business? yes. and you are from america? yes. from uncle. u...uncle? bene, bene! you do not have to spell it out for me, signore. i understand. my wife, her uncle, shshhave you bring the money, eh? -what money? -what money? hey, no money, no contessa, eh? arrivederci. "help, i'm being held prisoner. contessa de fanzini." ooh, i beg your pardon, excuse me. sorry, gentlemen, but honestst, i haven't a thing to wear. don't just stand there, be a gentleman, give her your coat. bluebeard. that brute! that throwback to t