valerie agostino. veronika fimbres. william kirkpatrick. william lipsky. so, i didn't call several of the names that there were indications they wouldn't be here. so, i didn't want to miss anybody. is there anybody on this list that i did not call, just in case you are here? seeing none, okay. are there any public comments for this item? seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. supervisor cohen. >> i have a question for the city attorney. i was wondering if you can tell me what is the makeup of this body? maybe the clerk of the board, i'm not quite sure. so, the task force is made up of how many people and particularly want to know how many men, how many women? >> [speaker not understood]. i looked it up already. there's 14, one vacancy, supposed to be made up of 15. and currently there are 11 male and three females. >> okay, thank you very much. >> do you want ethnicity i can give you that. >> thank you. >> there's 7 caucasian, 3 asian, pacific islander, 3 african-american, 1 latino. supervisor breed? >> thank you. i think this is pretty amazin