. >> hi, my name is valerie higgins and i'm here with parents for public schools. i just want to say they also think that the text messaging will be helpful and am glad that you guys are having the mobile buses and just want to thank you for helping us with enrollment. we know that enrollment is such a huge thing in the district and in terms of reaching out to the -- not hard to reach communities, but communities that are often left out of the outreach. i just want to thank you for helping with that and also in regards to taking over on the willie brown outreach for the informing the parents that they have slots available in three middle schools and that they also can go to all schools in san francisco. so i just want to thank you guys for all of your help and support. chairman maufas: thank you. >> my name is galina and my question is not regarding today's discussion. i am a grandmother of two kids. one of them is disabled and my question is the school district , we were told that board of education can include the discussion of your case in our meeting and make a