you see valerie jared's leg in the oval office, beyond that, it's all men. with this latest round of picks, they are all white men. to what degree is this not good for the president, who it must be said has a fairly decent record given there's eight women in his tcabinet at present and three are minorities. >> we have a president who's chosing people in his second term with whom he's comfortable. i'm not going to begrudge the president, his pick, all white guys or women or african-americans or latinos or lesbian or gay, it's the president's prerogative. optically, yes, it is a problem for the president. he's the first african-american, people look to him as being someone whose administration -- excuse me -- should look like america, and that photo you showed, america doesn't look like that anymore. but i do think that, you know, we're not done yet. i should say the president's not done yet in picking who's going to be in his cabinet, who's going to fill all the other positions. i'm not going to smack him around. >> just to add one thing, because i worked the