valerie kuehl ier. rita aliar.aracter from our novel, our story, we're part of one big soul that belongs to everyone. that will be everywhere where you can look and where there's a fight so hungry people can eat. where there's a cop beating up a guy. we draw from our strength, we draw from our roots. [ speaking spanish ] [applause] >> i see a few tier president in our next poet. her name is hennessey. and eight-year daughter of undocumented honed dur yan parents who is passionate about her culture and her people. [ speaking spanish ] she wants to help underserved families in her puebl-o hennessey, this community here will ensure that all of your dreams, and more, come true [speaking in spanish] [applause] [applause] >> hennessey -- [speaking in spanish] [applause] so, it's my great honor to present this year's cesar chavez labor award to the fierce, savvy, olga miranda. [applause] olga is the highest ranking latina in the san francisco labor movement a long time feminist, mother to her son jaoquin rubio, wife to he