says that no one here will tell us what they really think people here closely linked to russia. valerie petrovich tells us people into mary go shopping across the border. that's where he got his boots, and he doesn't see their big neighbor as the enemy ringing in utah, tanya, but no, no, no, no, no, nobody will fight. everyone here will laugh about it. we don't care. i watch tv, and it's horrible. our troops are mobilising, mobilize in russians. don't care why let them come. we will welcome them. they won't do anything to us. we are not afraid, because we are a part of russia. but i'll join me near by you, ah, if they were to invade russians could also come through this and keep crossing. it sits at the junction of ukraine, bella roost to the west and russia to the east. the 3 sisters monument, a symbol of brighter days, between the 3 countries and natalie and his wife are on the way to visit their daughter and grandchildren in moscow. they don't go as often because of the uncertainty of a looming war. but he, like most people living near the border, don't agree. oh see why relations between cave