want to bring in former cia operative valerie plame.w running for congress as a democrat >>> thanks for being with us. how important is it that the whistle-blower's identity remain secret, not only for that person but any other potential whistle-blower out there. >> hi, good evening, anderson. thanks for having me. it's absolutely crucial what the president is doing is illegal and harassment. whistle-blowers need to feel if they come forward to point out mismanagement, corruption, wrongdoing, that their identity will be protected. i think what trump has been doing yesterday and reiterated again today asking essentially for his henchmen to go out and dig around and reveal the identity of the whistle-blower is immoral. it's outrageous. and we can't function as a democracy, as a government, if you put the ice on those who seek to come forward and say, you know, that's not quite right. >> it's also interesting given the mueller report, we know that when the president during the campaign said, russia, if you're listening, find those emails,