>> the valerie policemane case case -- valley plame case was like a traffic ticket compared to this. she was not a covert person, she had been out of covert work, she only did it 5 years. it's a five-year limit. the beginning of the investigation, they knew who the leaker was, armitage twasn't stewart or libby. it became a national scandal. new york times wrote a hundred articles about it. if you need a demonstration of how unbelievably unfair the coverage is to a republican as opposed to a democrat, this is a great example of it. much more is at stake here. in that case, valerie plame's safety, allegedly was in jeopardy t. really wasn't, but allegedly. here, the safety of hundreds of people are in jeopardy -- people have been put in jail as a result of the gross negligence -- here you can do this for sure. there is a man in jail 33 years based on the gross negligence of the obama administration in keeping secrets. >> sean: who is going to want to trust us in the future? >> trust us? >> sean: what covert operative? >> we are sticking worms in the iranian computers with israel. they a