i pray for him all the time, and this is professor mitish, and valery afanasyevich, he fought for a veryg time, a very long time, because with a similar injury usually up to the hip - they amputate, so after 3.5 months i stood up to protest, took it and after 2 weeks i just went back, fantastically quickly, yes, your unit many events instantly practically become known to the whole country, thanks to the work of war correspondents who. are, there is such a group, a group of wonderful comrades, we are acquainted with them, one of them is pavel kukushkin, now here in our studio, let's call him pavel zakhariy, in civilian life, well, i'm not a military man, but there, and there all the time, all the time in uniform, there i am in uniform, pavel, tell us how you became a chronicler of the fifteen and a chronicler of current events, i have been since the fourteenth year with... that i have, let's say, a group of people, well, with whom i have communicated not in the first circle, it is clear that friends, the closest ones, they share the same ideological values, but people of the second, third