valery chkalova is still in the thirty- ninth. his death, by the order of the people's commissar, they were sold for indefinite use right along with five generations, the children and grandchildren of the legendary pilot who live here were born, they brought me here from the maternity hospital. my father and my mother. i brought my oldest son here. i brought mine here younger son. this is life for me. how much have you spent in total, there, uh, in a complete siege of months 8 months. so tell the guys about this time, it’s scary to privatize the dacha, the descendants of the pilot could not, some businessmen have already privatized the entire bridge ; only the grandson and the full namesake survived. valery chkalova thought he was gone for quite a bit. how much can i do this way survive live. i don't know, i ask the government, the responsible body to look into this and grant the impossibility. survive i have wonderful neighbors. i don't even know what their names are, but when they saw them, that's it . here are the reports, they