an episode, about which they fanned more than, as it were, in reality, here is your colleague valery meladzelso see in dubai, it happened after about 2 hours, he spoke in this. he just spoke at a corporate party on this. well, as a guest artist, i, as a guest, climbed there with the initiative to communicate, no, i didn’t communicate. well the thing is, we're already gone. it was already well past midnight. so i didn’t see this episode only from the video that was filmed there. and when they saw this video, where the nazi slogan throws this cry to him, he answers. what did you think about. well, what is it, how would it be confused or is it a position or is it or something i don't know what he felt. i think that if they tried to force me to shout something out at some point, or even to say something to the camera and not to the camera, no one would have forced me to do it. not for coercion what money. i'm not, as far as he is concerned, i'm a god. on judgment, it's his choice. i have such a fear. i can honestly tell you that the war will end. any war ends sooner or later, and i and all that'