he's valjean. he's robin hood. he's a romantic, dashing figure fighting the good fight against insurmountable odds. the secrcr life of michael eddington. how does it help us? well, eddington is the hero of his own story. that makes me ththvillain and what is it that every hero wants to do? kill the bad guy. but heroes only kill when they have to. eddington could have killed me back at the refugee camp but in the best melodramas, the villain creates a situation where the hero is forced to sacrifice himself for the people, for the cause-- one final, grand gesture. what are you getting at, benjamin? i think it's time for me to become the villain. prepare two quantum torpedoes. have engineering attach a cargo pod with 200 kilograms of trilithium to each torpedo. yes, sir, but... but what? the extra mass of a cargo pod wiwi make the torpedo less effective. maquis raiders are small and maneuverable. i'm not planning to fire at any ships, mr. worf. major what is the nearest maquis colony? solosos three. less than an hour