great spot to consider staying when you come to malta in the city of valletta.his is the capital of malta. i've got a capture a live shot right at the sort of the gates at the entrance of valletta there. so people are starting to come out now. this is also the site of fairyland, which is an annual christmas themed destination that's going to be up all season long. here. santa will be making multiple as busy as he is, multiple appearances here in the beautiful city of valletta. this is an area of south malta that is just replete with these beautiful, exotic, romantic cities that go back centuries. this is mdina, one of my favorites, a phoenician colony in the eighth century b.c. and of course, in the 1718 1900s, when the knights, of course, were in this area. this became an area where noblemen would live. and this is casa goorjian, which has been renovated by the family of a gentleman who built it in the late 1800s in a neo-gothic style. it's been brought to its former glory and is a beautiful museum. now that you can visit great open space here as well with thes