what does that meann >> reporter: face book says the real valuu is being able to consoliiate all of youringle messages, text messages, such as ims and ms, and now e-mail. now it's not just e-mail, it knows who your friends are. >> only facebook can build this kind of system, this person is not my friend, i don't want to hear from them. that is very powerful. >> reporter: facebook's e-mail system wwll be phased in gradually by invitation only. it wants to get feedback before releasing it to 5 million users3 >> we willlsee overtime how people use this product. obviously it has a lot of powerful pictuues. even this is not an e-mail killer. ii's aimed at cat i capturing af communication. >> i still like my g male mail i think facebook will be very powerful.ú >> i don't use the second ooe. >> facebook thinks the new plan has value. they can set their privatentrol, settings to who can send them messages, just friends, and not friends.ls of those who are3 >>> e-mail won't be canned to help pinpoint what ads will %-facebook has been criticized >> anytime facebook doesecurity. something, people w