needs mitigate the growth 6789 we vacommit to the residence not to just [inaudible] a growing and vam udconcern in the city. measure also calls for a study of shouding impact to insure new open space we built and #3wi8ding are healthy and complete a neighborhood, gets the sun the residence want and enjoy in the parks and reck areational space. this is our land and look for work with the development partner to shireshareathize vision there is a competing measure. futher their measure mandates the city utilize our city wide affordable housing to subsidize their housing at no cost for too the developmenter. the fund that can be used throutd the city without negotiate aiz or discussion and leaving the profit from luxiary housing untetched. i'm concerned the developmenter is circumventing the [inaudible] let's talk about the structure of the deal. the term she guarantees a 20 percent annual rate of return paid to the developmenter by taxpayer dollars for infrastruck dhr developed oen the site. that includes the street and sewage system and the new park seen on the mailer sent to your home. the devel