the uenctitian had on van dyck's interpretation of the figure is evident in van dyck's painting of george gage, an englishman whwas in ity to acquire wksf gage's by n froal but inead turns in spa, making the composition bold and lifelike. the artist's own character and his attitude toward his art are revealed in thismarvou, painted shortly after dyck's arral iitaly. as a contemporary wrote, "his manners were more of an aristocrat and he was resplendent in his rich dress and accessories." the young painter looks out at us, self-assured, certain of his position and confident in his ambitions. during his stay in the prosperous port city of genoa, van dyck received nurous commissions from its patrician society for portraits, as well as f mythological and legorical . these infused th a cal quity ve different from coositions hhad made elegce and gra learned from titian marked theortraits van dyck created araize genoese patrons, inuding his remarkable image the mchesa lena gmaldi. the marchesaeems to stri onto patio. van dyckntduces new sense of movemt to whahaen a tditionof rigidy . van dyck's