police say when mcdonald ignored orders to drop theknife-- van dyke sttrted shooting. the investigation shows van dyke was on scene for less than 30 seconds before he started shooting. entered through mcdonald's back. sure iowa's doors are open to refugees from alll countries. they protested outside the state capitol hoping governor branstad will reverse his stance on syrian refugees. after the errorist attacks on paris, branstad ordered all state agencies to stop work on resettling syrian refugees. critics of his decision accuse him of fer mongering. they say thhy want to make a statement that promotes human rights. " 10:37 why do we have someone in office doing these things? why can't he be more like governor ray who encouraged refugees, opened doors to those great people. " members of the group delivered a letter to governobranstad's office. they hope he'll take time to meet with them and listen to their concerns. get a free thanksgiving meal thanks to the salvation army. they expect to serve about 400 people today. serve food from 11:30 this morning until 1 this aft