prioritization of safe before we address vision zero and so polk street, second street, market street, van h van ness came long before vision zero was adopted and yet here at planners we knew that's where we needed to work to address a number of our agencies' goals so we're there. at the same time, we're taking in new information and so some of the actions are certainly in nature. so some of them are very specific and projects because they were grant funded. others are not. that eight miles of sustainable miles is a really good example we're not pre trick as there's new merge from the intersection bucket where it's about what are we doing to retime everything on the high injury network, i get an e-mail from our city traffic engineer looking for funding support from the capital side in order to help with some of the operational needs of the city based on what they're saying out there so we're always taking in new information and addressing it. further, this is our third so we're happy to take in new information up and date this strategy as is needed. we've just started and we're seeing progress where