for more, we turn to beth van schaack, u.s. ambassador at large for global criminal justice.ur.” >> thank you for having me. amna: so, secretary blinken noted that, back in december of 2023, he concluded, both the rsf paramilitary forces and the sudanese armed forces had committed war crimes. he also said it was based on new information this designation of a genocide was made, that the rsf militias had committed genocide, and just the rsf militias. what new information came your way today that you didn't have back in december of 2023? beth van schaack: this war has been catastrophic on sudanese civilians across darfur and across the entire country. and what we're seeing in darfur in particular now at the hands of the rsf are targeted killings based upon ethnicity, statements in perpetrators' own words saying they want to eradicate particular ethnic groups from the region and entirely. we see sexual violence rampant. we see men and boys being killed, including infant boys. so these are all indicia of genocide. these are the types of things that prosecutors around the world wil