sound / jim van staden/ found dog tags:06-:12 "we found a couple coins, a couple nails, bottle caps, aluminum foil, then we found the tag." the dog tag of a world war two air force glider pilot, larry wilt.. sound / no super "it was just really a sense of awe, like wow you know, cause the thing, obviously it had probably been there for decades." ashley davis / reporting :28- :32 "van staden found it right under this tree here and he says he knew exactly what he had to do next." internet search after internet search, figuring out larry wilt's last known address was just up the road in hennepin and that his sister had actually lived in van staden's house before him. sound / no super "everything we found about him was really great so i was like we obviously gotta try to find somebody that's worthy of returning this thing to." eventually, through a co-worker who knew the wilts, van staden was finally able to find larry's wife, ila wilt. sound / no super "but he never said anything about them being missing, larry never had said anything about them being missing." exactly 75 years after wi