we just had the guy from van wagoner, ceo.h your passion. >> go with your passion. i never did it for the money. don't tell my bosses that. just did it because i loved it and wanted to do it. when you do that the money follows. >> ralph, great to see you. good luck with tao. when you open next one come back. >> thank you. liz: this is interesting, david, when you look at opportunities here, doing incredibly good business. david: amazing you make money out of something you love. that is always wonderful. >> excellent. david: looking for new way to make money? maybe you should buy residential real estate in order to rent it out. we find out where you get the most bang for your buck if interested in that. actor adam sandler, ink ad major deal with netflix. could give his career a new lease on life. what is driving his move to streaming video as soon as we come back. >> hi, everybody, i'm gerri willis, coming up on my show at the top. hour. the latest on ebola in this country and the response by this country and is it enough? why