vance mcilwaine aka pop . puts out the goods. -- 200016-21 and i just keep on doing it. i do a little bit each day, keep on going. -- part of his process is protecting his winter wonderland. -- 2001 59 is this a it was in the beginning -- now. look close. do you see his traps? -- 200212 now i put fish line around and if they're going to steal one they're gonna have to take them all 0217. they'll pull them all down and that'll wake me up 0220 -- but some decorations you just can't tie down. we checked out laser light displays across tampa the starry showers are beautiful . the gadget they come from ... 2010 18 it just plugs in, there's a stake in the ground and these things aren't expensive on average there about $40. -- 2002 38 people you know people get excited they want to steal things 43 -- in pinellas and across southwest florida detectives tell us these twinkling lights specifically are catching the eyes of crooks. the christmas spirit not doing much to stop them. but there is something more -- more important than a thief -- about the laser light display. -- 201023