as this is the film already won the most popular international documentary award at the twenty seven team vancouver international film festival. it's her and a another artist jr who falls and they are separated by decades age wise but they're very similar in the way they look at the world i think that's very very interesting she takes she finds a bridge between them and shows symbolically how can be a bridge between between people last year. already received an honorary oscar for her life's work now with her co-director she's been nominated in the best documentary category. the recognition is for scenes like these abandoned houses they discovered in southern france they were never finished and already indicated may encourage residents from the next village to transform the place into a work of art which. she's very focused on things that you can see she comes from photography and she's very focused on on specific images but she uses them as symbols and as sort of an argument most for films are basically they're not as much documentaries as they are essays sort of arguments with the audience and with herself and that's what th