professor vandermark, who is daniel was? how did he go about doing that? >> with american entrepreneurial spirit. he also had the financial backing. i've been phelps dodge in the 19th century. >> book was reverend bliss is cool and founded the american university? >> 's initial cool deferred from what became his life work. he came determined to convert muslims to christianity and very quickly realized that wasn't going to happen the way to make a connection was not to convert them, but to educate them. and to improve their lives and tangible ways because that's what they responded to positively. once he had the inside, he had what became the greatest university of her release. >> isn't still open? >> it is. it weathered many tech theories, but it remains open and stay that way. >> who owns it, who rents it? >> it is still run by a very impressive faculty of professors and administrators who are middle easterners and american. daniel liss and peter gorman who is a psychologist by training and shared with the important departments at the university of chicag