west to the giants by aptitude for it not to see the doctor sent your own name well one when vanessa coleman nineteen fifty six. all the people around. we're meeting a group like what we've seen recently you can even ironing to do with nobody in order with no core. i need to work on a file. before i came to know i came in nineteen fifty six and went on from there. when a deeply sorry it's limited to this and here i know you won't see this conference are witnessing first year especially in that sense of coming to this idea i would say. the thing that reading camera. it's a very appropriate for this time. so that's why my song for tonight. utah. ong. ncaa pool is lanky him. awana for ah annie stand on st day the eu ong nikki eighty. this was tied and color hair. honing way me. a ha the man to man this small grains and fruits pretty. her pa our team. once you that seeing these insane commie in freeing the show i are off on a vehicle. the o r train being zion on tuesday e pool and there were i a k a and iron. on the top of all time the mi him. well no matter where the irish diaspora had to be is