david: i think right now manning vanessa cutler. boy talk about in my commencement speech that i gave at ohio university. he was a preacher massachusetts. in a church there. he was also doctor, also a lawyer and practiced all three of these professions having introduced degrees in all three. and as a man who convinced the continental congress in the summer of 1787 before we had a constitution to create what was known as the northwest ordinance. that was the territory ceded to us by britain at the end of the revolutionary war. mary and the size of all of our 13 colonies. and no roads, no bridges, no towns, nothing. but wilderness. in molds and native americans and rattlesnakes in paris you name it. they specified, passed by congress, it would be total religious freedom in this area which would be made into states, five states. they rubio ohio, indiana, illinois, michigan, and wisconsin. the total freedom of religion. it would be government support for education from grade school all of the way through college. hence the beginning of