my name is vanessa green, a practicing school counselor from chicago public schools. we know that school counselors are under utilized resource nationally. my question is how are school counselors engaged in the transformation process at your two respective schools? >> at our school, our school counselor does a myriad of things, first of all, creative scheduling to make sure our students are enrolled in the courses they need to graduate and just not frifl lous to fill up the daily schedule. secondly, our counseling staff takes the time to work with individual students to meet the social andy emotional needs that they come to us with, and also career planning as well as college planning. we have counseling staff available to work with students to fill out the fafsa, the federal student aid forms, those kinds of things. we work on interviewing techniques and strategies for those students who desire to go out into the world of work. just all of those wrap around services that students need. that's what our counseling staff is busy and tasked with doing each day. >> and o