dennis kelly, susan sullivan, patrick hennesey, vanessa hutchison and ken trey and that is all i have under public comment this evening. >> good evening superintendent carranza and board members. i have been an educator for the past 14 years and had the privilege of working in new teacher support for the past seven years. i love my job. interacting with teachers and helping to shape their development is a great gift and challenge. my time as a mentor and teacher has shown me the great value in teacher experience and reflection. it does not matter how strong a candidate is in the beginning of their career, over time they develop into better educators with greater reflection skills and ability to serve our students. over the years i have had many conversation with teachers sticking with, but i have seen an increase with young teachers struggling with their career choices and the main question, do i continue to plant roots into the city by moving into another field or stay in teaching or move to a higher-paying district. my husband is a high school teacher in the district. so we have two