you've been there-- vanessa shieh: i'm not. an: you've helped--you've been at the side of tamara helping. vanessa: yeah, we've been working together for the past seven years. before i stepped into the interim executive director role, i was the associate director. damian: okay. big shoes to fill? vanessa: definitely. tamara: size 11. vanessa: size 11, size 11 shoes. tamara is such a-- damian: those are big huaraches. vanessa: tamara is such a wonderful force in our community. so, absolutely there are big shoes to fill, a high bar to meet because tamara is so effective as a leader in our community. and i'm happy to say that all the activities and the good programs for which we are known continue, and they're accessible and quality programs. damian: that was going to be my next question. we have the video that's on your website of just of the many activities that you have there. what promises, if any, do you make the communities, especially the mayfair community, that it's a smooth transition and it's a status quo, and if not maybe