bridge is the elevator that brings you from mission square up to the park father to the right is a vanicular. i think that one of the interesting things about the design of this tower and you see it in this slide this is one of the first buildings built to the new code in san francisco. there are three exit stairs in this tower typically there would only be two. that is the result of the thinking after 9/11 and this is at the forefront and the concern that one has about exiting a building, when it is under stress. this is at the park level, once again, you see that the toweris occurring more or less at the center of the park, an important point of activity and there is a cafe and a large public performance area just outside of the porch of the tower and so it is idealy positioned to support the life of the park itself. here you are on the park level, looking back toward the canopy over the porch that connects to the tower. immediately to your right as you are looking to the you can see the sculpture. if you look to the back you can see the canopy to the porch and the park to the left and the