the wedding, we've been hearing about a staggering amount of mail that's been arriving daily by the vanload,000 letters and cards and around 3,000 presents, at the last count apparently. the bulk of the mail is being handled by the staff in the prince of wales' own office. >> those working the office have to be ready to take on any peculiar or unusual thing. >> before the wedding, presents were flooding in. diana was fascinated by this, and a couple weeks before the wedding she was passing by the prince of wales' private secretary's office. she saw there some parcels, one of which caught her eye. it was from the crown jewelers. she said, oh, i'll open that, thinking it must be for her. she opened the parcel. inside there was a bracelet, beautiful bracelet. >> when charles became engaged, he asked the crown jeweler to make several pieces of jewelry for several women who had been kind to him during his bachelor years. >> they're loveable friendship tokens. they're sort of saying, sorry you weren't the one i married. >> it was a present for camilla, and charles had intended to take her to lunc