to be blunt, it's like vaporware. against this context, you have to ask what you get out of this deal. i thought your own ceqa findings to the good job in noting that it would generate interest in the sport of sailing. the problem is neither the court nor the city can meet the current interest that we have in san francisco. we are already one of the world's capitals for sailing. that is well known. there are no public boatyard facilities for sailing this side of the bay bridge. there is no public hoist to put your boat into the water. the wait for a berth at the two city parade is is 10 years. there is tons of demand for facilities. -- birth at the two city merinos is 10 years. the facilities for small boating in san francisco are rapidly being eliminated. the ongoing renovation you are familiar with at the san francisco marina will eliminate nearly all the facilities for small boats. all of the 20 foot slips are being eliminated and 200 of the 216 25 foot slips are being eliminated. they're being converted to slips f