everyone says they want a defense authorization bill and i'm just looking for vares alternatives as to how we might be able to still get that accomplished. it's an 800-page bill. as you know it's very complicated bill. and there's a lot of provisions in that bill which need to be resolved. >> can you talk about what some of the things are that the pentagon absolutely cannot do unless they are authorized? and is there a talk of a plan b here? i know the continuing resolution in the house that passed the house has some authorities for pay and bonuses and what knot attached to it. it looks like as a fallback measure. so tell us what the really, really must pass items are. >> well, there are provisions for pay, for benefits, for bonuses for health care reform, for family support. there are even changes in the criminal code, in the uniform code of military justice which would make prosecution for rape easier. there's hundreds of provisions in here. it's an 800-page bill. some of them, it depends on whose definition of what's important. but the military construction, i mean, there's all kind