which includes leading cultural figures in a variety of fields, including music, theater, and cinema, literature. so, the prize for a work for children and youthesident of the white steamship foundation, nikolai didenko, for creating a charity festival of the same name for creative gifted children. the idea of the project was born in 2005 . since then, every year more than 100 children from all over the country take part in a free summer vocal and choir school. the prize was also awarded to konstantin kirillov, director of the ryazan regional puppet theater. he has been leading the institution for more than 20 years, and the theater’s repertoire includes more than 45 performances, and some of them are awarded a golden mask. among the laureates is marina leonova, acting rector of the moscow state academy of choreography. heads the educational institution. in 2002, in the nineteenth year, the academy became one of the ten leading russian universities, of course, for me this is a huge part, a big advance. as for the children's music festival, next year it will be 20 years old, really 20 years of great work, uh, children from all over the countr