now let's bring in timor varmus joses aseem a senior economist at the for institute 8 percent of german companies sending their workers home early that does not sound like the german economy is doing too well what do you see as the main reasons that yes that's right 8 percent is quite a large number these 8 percent are concentrated on the german manufacturing industry and this industry is in trouble at the moment it is basically in a recession for one and a half years now that is to say that production is shrinking that new incoming orders are shrinking so this part of the german economy is not doing well at all is that all down to the to the trade war the insecurity about breaks it or the other reasons as well. this is definitely one of the main reasons the breaks it the uncertainty surrounding the breaks and the uncertainty surrounding the trade war this has had an impact on the global industrial cycle and germany is a very important part of that industrial cycle but there are also difficulties currently in the german automotive industry which is you know transforming its production f