. >> chloe is head manager for the boys varsity basketball team at her school and a high achieving girlcout. celina is editor in chief of her school yearbook, and a debater. nevin is also on his school's debate team, and he competes in an academic decathelon. but all through high school, they also have been busy, helping to brighten the lives of people coping with cancer. >> all my other extracurricular activities i do for myself, but volunteering is one of the things i can really do for other people, where i really feel like i'm helping my community and contributing to my society. >> the md anderson cancer center in houston provides volunteer opportunities for hundreds of high school students. >> teens are clinic aid volunteers, gift shop volunteers, they volunteer in our beauty-barbershop, our cybercenter, our patient family center, a variety of over 40 different positions. >> chloe and celina run a service that brings hats to patients who are losing their hair because of cancer treatments. >> hi, we're with volunteer services and we're here to offer you a free hat! >> what makes this