varvara moiseeva 33-year-old aleksey began to complain of severe headaches and numbness on the left sidebody. soon i did not consider it necessary to come and went to the clinic, the therapist sent him to the surgeon, the surgeon, the neurologist, the neurologist-therapist. while going around the doctors, it got worse, and then alexei was taken to the hospital. there, he fell into a coma , then the doctors finally guessed it was a stroke, but it was late for many days, and there was blood in the head , a very strong swelling of the brain; this had poor blood flow to the vessels of the brain. let's not understand. why didn’t any of the doctors even try to make a preliminary diagnosis before, and not after, the death of the patient, that the first thing that the second doctor saw was both high blood pressure and a big difference between low and high blood pressure was seen, but no mri ever prescribed anything, the investigative committee will give an assessment actions. more precisely, the inaction of the medics , but how many more tragedies can? find after all the case is not a single cas