, parking in the yard, that’s why, for educational purposes, well, varvarin had to park a wheelbarrow caught her, uh-huh, car dear, here they fought right in the yard, barely pulled them apart, and he, this barbarian, even yelled that you won’t give my place back if you kill me, just like that, but i didn’t betray the meaning of these words, you never know who’s yelling something , and where does this barbarian live, in the third entrance, it’s not good, oh, let him above me, let everyone see that i’m a cultured, educated person, sobbing, when do you take the keys? don’t forget to sign, oh, don’t grumble, don’t grumble, let me sign for you, oh, what is this, where did a picture come from the sky to me in the literal sense of the word, some granny the crazy woman threw it out of the window. hear, and it often comes to you, sometimes you’re lucky, who the author is, well , i don’t know, but it looks like impressionism with a warm note of cubism, for example malevich, oh what a malevich, it doesn’t measure up, more like picasso, you want to say that malevich is cooler than picasso, well,