few real estate agents wanted to talk on camera, but vasilis axarlis was prepared to show us an apartmentimilar to those that he has been selling to turks recently. vasilis: i've sold apartments like this one to a doctor and a lawyer. at the moment, we're in negotiations with a businessman. it's easy to get a residence permit if you invest a minimum of 250,000 euros in real estate. it's valid for five years and can be renewed if the apartment isn't re-sold. reporter: deniz and ozgur tend to hang out with other turks after work. most of them feel comfortable in their country of exile despite the traditional political tensions between greece and turkey and what they were told growing up ozgur: i grew up with the hate speeches against greece. they killed our women, they killed the pregnant ladies. and vice-versa here, and in greece it was the same. and then i come here and it is the best country i've ever been. it's the best people. it's like the same. deniz: i try to avoid to talk about what's happening in turkey when we are sitting in a small group, or whatsoever, because it doesn't contri