song in the spring, the cornflower sky, the crane fly, the cornflower distances, beyond nebakray, vasilko my home, it wraps me in tow, i fly on the wing, i sleep songs in the spring, the patchwork sky, the sand of juraulina, the cornflower distances. and the land of the sky, the fable caste, beloved cells, vasilki, vasilki, native land, it brings tow to me, i fly on the wing, i sleep a song, memory. no, wai is the great sky, crane, basilkovy dalі, zaneva edge, cornflower arkaska, beloved welts, cornflowers, and paradise vozelkovy sky, vosenkova cascara, cornflower dais, beloved svetki, vaselki, vaselki, well, in my place, it’s great, i already see people who know the words. half of the moon in my window gives me a meeting with you, but only in a dream, half of a dream. lives in my heart, halves, they used to be together, the first light fell, fell, fell, a white pine tree fell on my lips, the best thing that the sky gives me, i call your name. the first snow fell, fell, fell, how come we didn’t notice it , we were looking for happiness for a whole century, but never met each other, you do