here that specialists collect elements for detectors that will work on spacecraft in the future vasily levinctor, whose employees collect these for real. unique devices every working day begins putting on a suit, as they say here as an astronaut. the detectors consist of a sensitive element. this is usually a semiconductor crystal of either tuloridocadmium or silicon and the electronics serving it. if a welding point gets on a speck of dust, then welding will not work and, accordingly, this product will either immediately be inoperable or fail, then during operation in space. it is interesting that even welding machines make test samples in the form of stars, for example, the sun, as children usually draw it, i would compare this work with the work of an embroiderer. here, which very accurately makes small rhymes and embroiders a picture. that's about the same way this machine works, only it uses wire, either aluminum or gold, to embroider a picture on a hybrid integrated circuit. circuits should be as sensitive as possible, so specialists use different production technologies. in addition t